احكم الحكم

إن التطرف هو أن تختار مسكنا فكريا و عقائديا لتقيم فيه راضياً عن نفسك و لكنك لا تريد لغيرك أن يختار لنفسه ما يطيب له من فكر و عقيدة بل تلزمه إلزاما بالحديد أحيانا أن ينخرط معك تحت سقف فكري واحد
زكي نجيب محمود

حكمة جديدة
ميموتش حق وراه مطالب

انا افكر اذن انا حاموووووت

عتبات البهجة

"الوقوف على عتبات البهجة دائما أفضل من البهجة نفسها... اجل، البهجة أمر سهل، لكن إذا طمعت فيها قتلتك و أهلكتك."
ابراهيم عبدالمجيد-عتبات البهجة

Monday, September 1, 2014

Eternal never complete love

listening to benjamin button's soundtrack music, it always brings some sort of sweet melancholy for me, puts me in a mood, illustrates the eternal story of an eternal love, yet incomplete, and would never be complete.

the music ended when we had to finish our chat, the so called, real , but silly excuse of " I have to go sleep for work tomorrow" but I couldn’t till a later time. Due to many reasons, but he was one of them, or the most obvious one of them.

I thought I won’t be able to love someone again, especially in that awful stage in my life, but it seems he brings some positive energy in me. I don’t like him for doing that, I rather liked him for being him, for what he is, for how vibrant he shows around himself, for being free. maybe I envy him, but in a nice sort of a way.

His smile, the confidence he shows somewhere deep inside him, something that is making him a real person, doing what he thinks is his right.

I dreamt that we first travelled to England, yes, of course London, we had a nice trip together, what was nice about it, not just that we were alone with one another, but that we were spending the day unnoticed although surrounded by many. no one made notice of how different we are, in age or in shape, maybe if someone to look at us in any given moment, would have saw two kindred spirits, two free souls, two artists, two people in love and on their own.

I dreamt we got married, yes! out of all odds, we did, being a very weird couple in a very normal society, we decided to leave. To London of course, again the music was inspiring me so much that I saw us raising 3 children of our own, teaching them to appreciate art in all its forms, be whatever they want to be, not what we want them to.

The fact that he inspired me so strong to the level where I wrote this piece, is very crucial to me, yet very alarming.

I woke up sensing a tear about to spring out of my eyes, I remembered, my heart can’t afford another love story.

The music of the eternal never complete love.

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