احكم الحكم

إن التطرف هو أن تختار مسكنا فكريا و عقائديا لتقيم فيه راضياً عن نفسك و لكنك لا تريد لغيرك أن يختار لنفسه ما يطيب له من فكر و عقيدة بل تلزمه إلزاما بالحديد أحيانا أن ينخرط معك تحت سقف فكري واحد
زكي نجيب محمود

حكمة جديدة
ميموتش حق وراه مطالب

انا افكر اذن انا حاموووووت

عتبات البهجة

"الوقوف على عتبات البهجة دائما أفضل من البهجة نفسها... اجل، البهجة أمر سهل، لكن إذا طمعت فيها قتلتك و أهلكتك."
ابراهيم عبدالمجيد-عتبات البهجة

Saturday, March 23, 2013

الجنة و نعيمها

just remembered when he took my legs on his hand and gave me a massage. relaxing in the sun, on the beach, made this moment perfect, but moreover, the fact that he surprised me of such a move, made me flying sky high. he looked at my tiny toes and said "cute ones, although very small, but they look cute", i smiled softly and felt for a moment that i am the queen of this world, no no, i felt am the... queen of his heart, this is what counts. he has this way of labeling me, in every movement, in any aspect, like he would say " you are nice and warm, cozy, i wanna snuggle in beside you as if u r my cat" or when i eat, he smirks on how spontaneously i eat and dont bother about others might be looking at me. " good gosh, u r so you" and he would stress on "you". " i no-play-games person love, i am just me" this is what i said, for which he smiled, put down his coffee and said it in the most clear voice ever " for which i like u so much"

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